Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just Perfect!!

Today started out as a pretty crappy day for me! I had coffee with my mother (as I do every morning) and I normally leave from her house ready to get knee deep into something (I.E. cleaning, mowing, organizing,) whatever! However, today was so different. I had absolutely no energy nor the **ump** to do anything. I did ton's of laundry today, put togther a puzzle (that my friend Regina brought me) and some other small things.

Wow, I just do not feel like blogging tonight. Seems as if I have nothing to say! More over, we got our pictures of our precious baby girls today. They were perfect so very beautiful. GEEZ, We love them so much!!! Kai definately had her daddy's scowl... She looked so pissed! (At least it made me smile) Ahhhhhh... Okay not really in a position to speak about this yet... In time it will come... Sorry ;-(

Yankee Candle Fundraiser

Well.... I am excited to announce that we received our packets for our fundraiser. With in 4-5 minutes I had already sold $100.00 worth of product, which actually adds $50.00 to our "baby fund"! I know it doesnt seem like a lot but it will come along I HOPE!

Our goal for the candle selling is $4000.00 but unless I get more troops or volunteers I don't see us making it. With the garage sales and the candle sales you would think that you could possible earn enough.... Well wishful thinking.....

If anyone has any family, friends, or co workers that would volunteer, donate, sell, or anything please let us know. Join our cause! I was thinking today that after this is all over and we get back from Czech I would like to start a not for profit organization for other families in our situation that cannot just go and take out $7000.00 to have a baby!

Let me know your thoughts on that but, kthat's all for tonight...

Thanks for following

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