Thursday, March 31, 2011

To be or not to be........

Well today was a complete wash... I did not realize how tires I actually was until today! Isn't funny how certain things come up and it hits YOU... Almost like the AHHH HAAA affect.....

Seems I have a lot of decision to make in the future... I think it's all about finding YOURSELF.... You almost have to ask your self...... Is happiness something that is ever really achieved or do you live you life in "Pursuit of Happiness"!

As I am sure we all have our own opnions on that matter.... So... Let's move on.....

I am really looking forward to this weekend, I need a break from life, family, responsibility.... I almost need a date with disaster.... But on a more simple note.... I will just have a date with my awesome king size bed!

Throughout the day I have so many things I feel I need to write about but when I actually make time to do it.... Nothing comes out!

I am actually watching "Sex in The City, wondering why I NEVER moved to New York.... Just teasing....

Okay, so which Sex in The City character do you think I am? Okay now I am just being stupid....

TGIF!!!!! Friday, I heart you!

I will write tommorrow.....


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